WSA tier 1: Less than 5 websites monthly plan

You can add up to 5 sites at $15 each one monthly. If you plan to protect more than 5 sites today, please purchase the . Website firewall and antivirus protection, vulnerabilities scanning and removal. Removal of viruses from customers’ sites (including removal of viruses from already compromised sites). Vulnerability patching for your websites, as well as plugins and CMS updates. We scan all major CMS based sites.

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$15.00 / Month

WSA tier 1: Less than 5 websites yearly plan

You can add up to 5 sites at $150 each one yearly (you save 2 months). If you plan to protect more than 5 sites today, please purchase the . Website firewall and antivirus protection, vulnerabilities scanning and removal. Removal of viruses from customers’ sites (including removal of viruses from already compromised sites). Vulnerability patching for your websites, as well as plugins and CMS updates. We scan all major CMS based sites.

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$150.00 / Year

WSA tier 2: More than 5 websites monthly plan

You can add more than 5 sites at $14 each one monthly. If you plan to protect less than 5 sites today, please purchase the . Website firewall and antivirus protection, vulnerabilities scanning and removal. Removal of viruses from customers’ sites (including removal of viruses from already compromised sites). Vulnerability patching for your websites, as well as plugins and CMS updates. We scan all major CMS based sites.

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$14.00 / Month

WSA tier 2: More than 5 websites yearly plan

You can add more than 5 sites at $140 each one yearly (you save 2 months). If you plan to protect less than 5 sites today, please purchase the . Website firewall and antivirus protection, vulnerabilities scanning and removal. Removal of viruses from customers’ sites (including removal of viruses from already compromised sites). Vulnerability patching for your websites, as well as plugins and CMS updates. We scan all major CMS based sites.

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$140.00 / Year

emergency website malware cleanup

There are many ways you may find out that your website has been hacked. The most obvious is when the hacker has simply defaced your website.

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